People looking to add a furry addition to their home, know the benefits and understand what a great thing it is to rescue and adopt. But have you ever considered adopting an older dog?
This article has been written to give you a bit more information on the benefits of adopting seniors dogs and how you can start the process of bringing home a beautiful aging addition to your family.
What are senior dogs?
Age is just a number... and in the case of senior dogs, those numbers vary depending on the breed. Basically, a dog is defined as a senior based on identifiers such as weight, breed, and age. Here is a general reference for you but it is only general and can change from breed to breed.
Small breeds (1-15 Pounds) senior age begins around 10-12
Medium Breeds (16-40 Pounds) senior age begins around 8 - 10
Large Breeds (41-74 Pounds) senior age begins around 6 - 9
Largest Breeds ( 75 + Pounds) senior age begins around 5 - 8
Why senior dogs make awesome pets
There are many reasons why adopting a dog is a great idea, but here are some reasons why adopting a senior dog is the best...
1. Older dogs are normally trained and while they made need a small adjustment period... basic commands can be used right away, and little training will be required.
2. A senior dog can learn a new trick... contrary to the saying, older dogs can and will learn how new behaviors and commands.
3. Senior dogs are much calmer than young dogs, so they will need less outdoor exercise. Also, they are less likely to gnaw and chew on furniture due to their aging teeth which means less destruction to your home.
4. An older rescue dog has normally been part of a family before and due to its past family circumstances, has found itself in the shelter. This means that many senior dogs are desperate to feel the love and attention of a welcoming family again, meaning that they quickly become a devoted companion.
5. You'll be doing a good deed. Cute puppies will be adopted right away. But older dogs will take a longer time. Doesn't a senior dog deserve to live out it's golden years with a loving family?
Where you can find senior dog rescues?
So, now you have decided that adopting a senior dog is a good option for you and your family... where to start... here is a list of Senior Dog Rescue Centers across the US where you can take the next step in your journey of giving an aging dog a loving home.
1. Camp Golden Years in Tehachipi CA
The goal of Camp Golden Years is to ensure that all dogs are not alone or feel unloved in their final years, months, weeks or days. All their dogs are looking for a forever home.
Website: http://www.campgoldenyears.org
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/campgoldenyears/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/campgoldenyears/
2. Muttville Senior Dog Rescues
Muttville cares about one thing... giving older dogs a second chance. They look after them and provide them with a loving place to stay whilst Muttville spreads the word on how amazing they are and looks to find them that forever home.
Website: https://muttville.org
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/muttvillesf/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Muttville.Senior.Dog.Rescue/
3. Old Dog Home
Old Dog Home works in two ways, first, they look to provide aging pooches with the care and love they need until a new family is found for them. Secondly, they also work with the local community to show them how they can take of their aging dogs and provide a support network to ensure more people feel comfortable in taking care of their doggy through the final years of their lives.
Website: https://www.olddoghomega.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olddoghomega/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/olddoghomeGA/
4. Lily's Legacy
Lily's Legacy is an organization that looks to provide loving homes for senior larger breed dogs (50+ pounds, 7 years or older) The dogs stay at the sanctuary until they find another home or until they pass on to doggy heaven.
Website: https://www.lilyslegacy.org/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilyslegacyseniordogs/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lilyslegacysds/
5. Old Dogs Haven
Old Dogs Haven has been providing senior dogs with love and support for 15 years. All dogs are kept 'in home' until they are matched with new families meaning that these older doggies always feel part of the family.
Website: https://olddoghaven.org/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/olddoghaven/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Old-Dog-Haven/84864916613?ref=br_rs
Adopting a senior dog is really a heartwarming experience. All dogs deserve love and affection but these senior citizens deserve it the most, and will in return love you unconditionally for providing them with a second chance.
Senior Dog Wins 1st Place In Pie Eating Contest
What could be cuter than senior dogs eating pie? Seriously. Nothing. Check out this heart-warming video from Rocky Kanaka.
If you want to help a rescue dog we highly recommend donating DIRECTLY to that dog. Cuddly.com makes that possible. You choose the dog you want to help, then choose from a list of items the dog needs, or make a cash donation. Easy! Donate now.