• Dog Treats 101: What Kind, When, and How Many

    Dog Treats 101: What Kind, When, and How Many

    Admit it, you've never met a dog that didn't like treats. And who can blame them? Even we humans enjoy a tasty treat from time to time – even if our treats are very different from theirs. Or at least, we hope they are. And just because Fido can't have ice cream or Oreos, it doesn't mean he can't have something tasty and good for him too. There is an endless variety of dog treats on the market, and while you want to make sure you get something your dog enjoys, you should be aware of what's in those treats...

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  • 10 Durable, Eco-Friendly Dog Toys for The Toughest Chewers

    10 Durable, Eco-Friendly Dog Toys for The Toughest Chewers

    Some dogs are master destroyers. No matter what toy you give them, no matter how much you spend, it seems they tear it to shreds within minutes. Not only can this get to be expensive, it can also be dangerous for your dog. Even the smallest pieces can cause obstructions in the dog's gut, and any toy that can be easily destroyed is probably not a good fit for your pooch. For many dog owners, it seems like there are no toys on the market made for their destructive and powerful dog. And let's face it... We all want our...

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  • 10 Activities to Occupy your Puppy While You're at Work

    10 Activities to Occupy your Puppy While You're at Work

    Last week, we celebrated an especially fun “holiday,”  National Puppy Day with a list of adoptable puppies from our donation partners. Whether you’ve recently adopted a new puppy or are thinking about bringing a new addition home, we thought it would be fun to celebrate even more because everyday should be national puppy day with a post on ten things that will occupy your puppy while you're at work. Because no matter how much time you’re able to devote to your new pal, you’ll likely have to at least leave them alone from time-to-time. Toys for puppies and other activities geared...

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  • Teach your dog to sit, stay or roll over in under 30 minutes

    Teach your dog to sit, stay or roll over in under 30 minutes

    Want to teach your dog to sit? stay? How about roll over in under 30 minutes. Here's a really easy way to "bribe" your dog to do just about anything you want. It goes without saying that most dogs love food. They love food almost more than they love anything else in the world – aside from their owners, of course. And one of the best methods of training can be using their love of treats as a form of positive reinforcement. While treats don't have to be the only reward – you can also use toys, praise or anything...

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  • 5 Tips For Your Dalmatian's Health & Happiness

    5 Tips For Your Dalmatian's Health & Happiness

    So you’ve watched 101 Dalmatians as a kid and it’s always been your dream to adopt one. As you’re likely already aware, Dalmatians - like every dog breed - are unique in their personalities and needs. You’ll want to take the time to familiarize yourself with the specific health needs of their breed. While every dog is different even within the same breed, there are general need-to-knows for each breed of dog. To help you along your journey, we’ve rounded up five top care tips for both new or potential Dalmatian owners. Photo by@vikingmom650 on Instagram Exercise is key. While...

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